


An internship is a temporary work assignment with a company or organization in which the intern is either paid or volunteers their time. It is an opportunity for students to gain hands-on training and experience, which will come in handy when applying for a permanent job. Internships look good on a resume for a person who might otherwise have no relevant work experience. Employers may use internships to see how an individual responds in a work environment before offering them permanent employment. Since the assignment is temporary, the employer has no obligation to hire the intern once an internship is over, and is therefore more apt to bring a person on as an intern first to see how well they do.

The Career Center maintains information on internship opportunities as posted by employers on Handshake

In addition, students may be able to earn college credit for some internships through Work Experience classes in Mt. SAC's Schedule of Classes .

Lastly, check out the links at our career-related websites page for additional internship opportunities.

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