Institutional Review Board (IRB) Committee
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) guides progress and the processes related to ongoing research on Mt. SAC students and employees. Members have expertise on research ethics, federal regulations and standards related to research ethics, and serve as a resource to the campus.
- Review proposed research studies that involve the use of human subjects.
- Ensure that all research subjects are treated ethically.
- Ensure that all research subjects are provided with substantial information, consent, and debriefing, as necessary.
- Ensure that research subjects’ private information will be handled confidentially.
- Ensure that each research study complies with ethical standards.
- Ensure that approved research studies align with the College’s Mission Statement.
- Be an active resource to the campus regarding research ethics.
- Guide the research ethics progress and process for the College.
- Develop timelines and recommend policies and procedures for conducting human research projects at Mt. SAC.
- Coordinate training for faculty, staff, and management with regard to research ethics standards, policies, and procedures.
More about the process the IRB uses to review research applications can be found at the Research Department web site.
The IRB Committee meets on the second Friday of every month during the Fall and Spring Semesters. To see a list of our members and minutes, click on the links below.