
Board Briefs November 9, 2022

Board Chamber

November 10, 2022 - 08:01 AM

Meeting Date: Nov. 9, 2022
Location: Founders Hall
Next Meeting: Nov. 12, 2022 (Study Session), Nov. 22, 2022 (Special Meeting)


The Board and those in attendance observed a moment of silence for retired classified employee Odette
Richardson who passed away on Saturday, October 15, 2022, in Round Rock, Texas. Odette began her
association with the College as a student receiving her Associate in Science degree in Office Technology
in June 1974. As a student, she was a member and co-captain of the Mountie Drill Team. She also served
as a Senator in Associated Students. She joined the College staff in 1975 where she worked until 1987 as
a Clerk Typist III and then as a secretary in Counseling and Guidance. From 1983-92, she also served as an
adjunct professor in Adult Education. Odette dipped her toes into the world of private industry until 1989
when she came back to the College permanently serving as a Research Assistant. Odette retired in June
2011. Odette is survived by her husband, retired professor George Richardson.
Reports were given by Associated Students, Academic Senate, Classified Senate, Faculty Association, CSEA
262, CSEA 651, and Public Affairs. Detailed reports will be reflected in the official minutes when posted


Introduction of the following newly appointed and promoted employees:
Permanent New Hires
Classified Employees
 Eric Contreras, Project/Program Specialist (Technical Services)
 Christina Herzog-Kabisch, Mental Health Clinician (Student Health Services)
 Veralynn Latreille, Human Resources Technician (Human Resources)
 Fergie Macedo, Administrative Specialist III (Humanities and Social Sciences Division)
 Laura Murillo, Human Resources Technician (Human Resources)
 Dina Paton, Career Services Specialist (Short-Term Vocational)
 Kelly Pena, Administrative Specialist III (Humanities and Social Sciences Division)
 Amber Purnell, Laboratory Technician – Child Development Observation (Child Development
 George Rodriguez, Mental Health Clinician (Student Health Services)
 Saydi Tapia Lopez, Student Services Outreach Specialist (High School Outreach)


Classified Employees
 Vianey Arenas Juarez, Human Resources Technician (Human Resources)
 Elizabeth Navarro, Administrative Specialist II (Honors)
 Rick Nguyen, Senior Systems Analyst/Programmer (Information Technology)
Confidential Employee
 LaToya Bass, Human Resources Analyst (Human Resources)
Management Employee
 Debbie Wong, Director, Community and Contract Education (Community and Contract
Recognized the following retiring employees:
 Robert Jackson, Coordinator, Computer Facilities, (Information Technology), 34 years of service
 Ruben Avila, Special Project Manager (Facilities Planning and Management), 18 years of service
 Paul Miller, Sergeant, Police/Public Safety (Police and Campus Safety), 6 years of service
 Mt. SAC Fall 2021 transfer admissions and enrollment rankings, even with enrollment declines
for 2020-21:
o Second in the State for transfers to the California State University system (CSU) for 2
years in a row
o Second in Hispanic/Latinx students in applications, admissions, and enrollment to CSU
o First for all California community colleges (CCC) with Associate Degrees for Transfer
(ADT) on guaranteed pathways to CSU, up from #5 for Fall 2020 and #17 for Fall 2019
o Seventh in the State for transfers to the University of California (UC) for 2 years in a row
o Fourth in the State for transfers overall to CSU and UC (combined) for 2 years in a row
 1,953 students transferred to CSU and UC for Fall of 2021.
 578 students transferred to California private and out-of-state schools for 2020-2021 (out-of-state
and private school data is always one year behind in reporting).
 Acceptance rates for CSU and UC remain high, 84.8% and 73.6%, respectively for 2021-22.
 The top CSU destinations for Fall 2021 were Cal Poly Pomona (753), CSU Fullerton (217) and
CSULA (150).
 The top UC destinations for Fall 2021 were UC Irvine (139) and UCLA (113) which continue to be
the two highest UC campuses for Mt. SAC transfer students. UC Riverside (93) is a close third.
 In a five-year period (2016-17 to 2020-21), a total of 12,647 students have transferred.
 Transfer applications, admitted, and enrolled from Mt. SAC to UCs increased for key equity
groups from 2020-21 to 2021-22:

Transfer Trends and Concerns
 AB 928 will place students on an ADT pathway upon entrance to community colleges that will
eventually use only one transfer general education pattern to CSU and UC:
o The new GE pattern will combine CSU Breadth and IGETC (CalGETC)
o Remove Area E “Life Skills” from the GE pattern
o Shorten time-to-degree
 Cal Poly Pomona will implement a new multifactor admission formula for Fall 2023 transfer
students in order to be more equitable to historically racialized (African-American, Latinx)
students, low socio-economic status students, first-generation college students, youth services
impacted (Foster Youth, Ward of the Court), and increase diversity among impacted majors.
 Transfer Achievement Guarantee (TAG) Agreements have enabled students to be automatically
accepted to six of the nine UC undergraduate campuses, including UCI and UCR.
 The pandemic created a 1-2 year delay in students transferring – either because they could not
take/pass their required courses (especially science) or personal situations influenced their
plans. An increase in the number of EOPS students accepted for transfer for Fall 2022 is a good
indication of an upward trend.


 Approved the Consent Calendar
 Approved Proposed Revision to Board Policy 3565 - Smoking on Campus
 Approved Resolution No. 22-12 - Approval to Compensate Trustee Peter Hidalgo for His
Absence from the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees on October 12, 2022
 Held Public Hearing for the Resolution Authorizing Execution and Delivery of Grant of Right of
Way Easement to the City of Walnut
 Approved Consideration of Resolution No. 22-13 Authorizing Execution and Delivery of Grant of
Right of Way Easement to the City of Walnut
 Approved Ratification of the Purchase and Sale Agreement between Walk Intuit, as Seller, and
Mt. San Antonio College, as Buyer, for Approximately 72.70 Acres of Unimproved Land in Los
Angeles County, APNs 8277-0031-018 and 8277-046-005
 Approved Amendment to the Agreement with Southern California Grading, Inc. for the Sand
Volleyball and Lot W Improvements Project (Bid No. 3427)
 Approved Amendment to the Agreement with Tarkett USA, Inc. for Floor Coverings in the
Student Center Project
 Approved Amendment to the Agreement with HPI Architecture for the Student Center Project
 Approved Proposal to Initiate CSEA, Chapter 262 Negotiations for Year One-of-Three Successor
Agreement, July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026

Dr. Manuel Baca
Jay Chen
Gary Chow
Judy Chen Haggerty, Esq.
Peter Hidalgo
Robert Hidalgo
Laura Santos
Juan Mendoza, Student Trustee
Dr. William T. Scroggins, President & CEO