Way To Go Student Life!
October 12, 2022 - 12:56 AM
The Way to Go Joe Award was given this quarter to Student Life for going above and beyond.
The Way to Go, Joe! award is a department-to-department award that is passed along quarterly and administered by the Mt. SAC VOICES Committee, which is focused on department recognition across campus.
The Event Services department has chosen to pass on the Way to Go, Joe! award to the Student Life department with the following recognition:
“Student Life and Event Services have had a long-term partnership. As a department that produces a lot of events, Student Life is always diligent in providing detailed information in a timely manner to ensure Event Services is able provide maximum service. Additionally, Student Life has partnered with Event Services to utilize 25Live for club and free speech events as well as AudienceView to streamline club fee payment. We value our close and continued partnership and look forward to moving with them into the new Student Center!”