PRINTING SERVICES is your home for high quality Printing and Duplication services.
The Print Services group provides photocopying, and binding services for academic
and administrative departments. Faculty and staff can fill out a Printing Request
Form right from their web browser using any network connection on campus or while
connected to the Internet from home, anytime, anywhere! For questions using our on-line submission program, please contact Printing Services
at extension 4255.
Located in Bldg 4, Rm 1802 (see map at bottom of page)
M-Th: 6:30 am - 8:00 pm (While classes are in session)
F: 6:30 am - 4:30 pm (While classes are in session)
WALK-UP COPIERS for last-minute, small (under 30 copies) copy jobs. Walk-Up Copiers (MAP)