
Picture of Danielle Dervishian

Danielle Dervishian, MS

Biology 1 - General Biology

Anatomy 36 - Advanced Physiology

Building: 60-2404
(909) 274-4764

MS - Georgetown University, Washington DC - Physiology
BS - UCLA, Los Angeles, CA - Neuroscience

Scholarship Committee


Danielle Dervishian, MS

Danielle has been at Mt. SAC since 2013. She made the transition from part-time (adjunct) to full-time in 2019. She feels honored to serve Mt. SAC students and its community. She approaches her work, her passion, with enthusiasm to spread knowledge about the amazing world of biology - both how the body works and the ecosystems we need to preserve.

Current Class Schedule:
Name Course ID Title CRN Units Days Start Date End Date Start Time End Time Building / Room
Name Course ID Title CRN Units Days Start Date End Date Start Time End Time Building / Room
Dervishian, Danielle BIOL 1 General Biology 40870 4 M 02/24/2025 06/15/2025 03:00PM 06:10PM 7 1111
Dervishian, Danielle BIOL 1 General Biology 40870 4 MW 02/24/2025 06/15/2025 01:15PM 02:40PM 11 2402
Dervishian, Danielle BIOL 1 General Biology 40871 4 MW 02/24/2025 06/15/2025 01:15PM 02:40PM 11 2402
Dervishian, Danielle BIOL 1 General Biology 40871 4 W 02/24/2025 06/15/2025 08:00AM 11:10AM 7 1111
Dervishian, Danielle BIOL 1 General Biology 40879 4 T 02/24/2025 06/15/2025 08:00AM 11:10AM 7 1111
Dervishian, Danielle BIOL 1 General Biology 40879 4 TR 02/24/2025 06/15/2025 11:30AM 12:55PM 11 2402
Dervishian, Danielle BIOL 1 General Biology 40887 4 R 02/24/2025 06/15/2025 08:00AM 11:10AM 7 1111
Dervishian, Danielle BIOL 1 General Biology 40887 4 TR 02/24/2025 06/15/2025 11:30AM 12:55PM 11 2402