
Michael Dowdle

Michael Dowdle


Psyc1A-Intro to Psychology (online)

Psyc10-Stats for Beh Science

Psyc26-Psyc of Sexuality (online)


Building: 26B-2551C
(909) 274-4016

AA - Behavioral & Social Sciences, Butte Community College 
BA - Psychology, CSU, Chico 
MA - Psychology, CSU, Chico


Michael Dowdle

Michael Dowdle is a professor of Psychology. He has been working for Mt. SAC since June, 2000 when he was hired as the Research Analyst in the Research and Institutional Effectiveness office. While he worked as the Research Analyst, he also taught part-time (Adjunct) at Mt. SAC. In 2003 he left the Research office to teach part-time, full-time. He has taught at San Bernardino Valley College, Rio Hondo, as well as, Mt. SAC. Professor Dowdle was hired full-time starting in Fall 2005 here at Mt. SAC.


He currently teaches Psyc1A, Psyc10, Psyc26 and has taught Psyc1B. He has been teaching distance learning, in some aspect, since 2003. He is very involved with the Distance Learning Program here at Mt. SAC. He was actually one of faculty involved in the decision to adopt Canvas (we use to use Blackboard and then Moodlerooms).


Mike is from the Pomona Valley area, attending Pomona schools through middle school, graduated from Chino High School and attended Mt. SAC for a number of years before moving and transferring to CSU, Chico. There he obtained both his BA and MA in psychology. He currently lives in Claremont with his wife, a 14-year-old, two little dogs, and a kitten (it's the 14-year-old's). He is an avid cyclist and loves what he does; teaching; both in the classroom and online.