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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Certificate: Office Computer Applications - Level 1 - 36375
Course Name Course Number
Basic Computing Level 1 VOC CPBC1
  • The students in Basic Computing Level 1 will be able to apply software applications to complete a task through completion of a class project.
  • The students in Basic Computing Level 1 will be able to complete a task by demonstrating keyboard and mouse competency through completion of a class project.
Basic Computing Level 2 VOC CPBC2
  • The students in Basic Computing Level 2 will be able to solve basic computer problems using technology through the completion of a class project.
  • The students in Basic Computing Level 2 will be able to use essential word processing technology to communicate through completion of a class project.
Digital Photography for the Beginner VOC CPDI
  • The students in Digital Photography for the Beginner will be able to properly use photo editing software features to solve problems through completion of a class project.
  • The students in Digital Photography for the Beginner will be able to use resources and technologies to complete a class project using photographic software.
Internet Research - An Introduction VOC CPNET
  • The students in Internet Research - An Introduction will use technologies to communicate, solve problems and complete tasks via email management software.
  • The students in Internet Research - An Introduction will be able to effectively locate and evaluate credible worldwide web resources through completion of class project.