
College-Wide Committees



Mt. SAC students are encouraged to participate in the governance of the College by serving on various College-Wide Committees. Within these committees, many important decisions are made that affect students on campus; it is important that students have a voice as these decisions are made. 


To learn more about specific Senate responsibilities, visit the A.S. Organizational Directive.


  • Must be enrolled in at least 5 units and maintain a 2.0 semester GPA
  • Pay the Student Activities Fee of $15 each semester
  • Have no discipline record on file with the college
  • Complete a College-Wide Committee application
  • Be appointed by the A.S. President


Want to serve as a Student Representative in a
College-Wide Committee?
All Student Representatives are appointed
by the A.S. President.

Applications Open

Meeting Information

Each College-Wide Committee has it's own scheduled meeting days, times, and location.

College-Wide Committee List