CalFresh Outreach
- CalFresh is a nutrition assistance program that helps low-income individuals and families buy the food they need.
- CalFresh dollars help stretch a tight food budget and help many people afford to incorporate healthy foods like fruits and vegetables into their diets.
- CalFresh is the name of the USDA-funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP) in the state of California. Recipients receive and “spend” CalFresh benefits
electronically, via personal Golden State Advantage electronic benefits transfer (EBT)
cards that look just like any other credit or debit cards.
What the CalFresh Outreach program can help you with:
- Services during drop-in assistance
- Application Help
- Eligibility Prescreen
- Appeals Assistance
- Required Verifications
- Interview Preparation
- Questions Answered
- Helpful Materials
- Recertification Help
Student Eligibility
Students can only qualify for CalFresh if they meet certain criteria. There are many definitions and exemptions that can be confusing. Read carefully in order to find out if you are considered a student and whether you may be eligible. Even if you are not eligible for CalFresh, remember that other people in your household may still qualify.
CalFresh Approved Majors (LPIES)
Student Eligibility has expanded for Mt. SAC CalFresh Outreach. Mt. SAC students enrolled in a Local Program that Increases Employability (LPIES) are now likley eligible for CalFresh food benefits! If you are enrolled in any of the approved major/certificates below you are encouraged to submit a CalFresh application, or meet with our team for application support.
First, it is important to determine if you are considered a student.
Who is likely CalFresh Eligible?
You are likely considered a CalFresh eligible student if you are:
- Between the ages of 18-49 years old
- Are physically and mentally “fit” for employment.
- Enrolled at least half-time (at Mt. SAC, it is 6 units or more). We also support non-credit Education students.
- Also meet AT LEAST ONE of the following requirements:
- Enrolled in an educational program that has an approved employment and training component
to increase employability for CalFresh, or,
- Learn more about approved Local Programs that Increase Employability (LPIE) from our CalFresh Outreach Team
- Single parent or guardian of child/children under the age of 12 or,
- Awarded or eligible for Federal/State Work Study (per Financial Aid package) or,
- Awarded Cal Grant A or B (per Financial Aid package) or,
- Are enrolled in CalFresh employment and training or another job training program accepted
by CalFresh; (EOPS, Aspire, REACH Guardian Scholars, SSEED, AB12) or,
- If participating ACCESS, please email for additional eligibility information
- A part-time student with a child age 6-11 without adequate childcare or,
- Are receiving CalWORKS or MediCal benefits or,
- Employed or self-employed at least 20 hours per week or 80 hours per month.
- Enrolled in an educational program that has an approved employment and training component
to increase employability for CalFresh, or,
For more information regarding CalFresh student eligibility please email
Funded by USDA SNAP, known in California as CalFresh, an equal opportunity provider and employer, and The California Department of Social Services
Who is not a CalFresh Eligible Student?
The student eligibility rules do not apply to people who are:
- Age 17 and under or age 50 and older, or
- Physically and mentally “unfit” for employment, or
- In high school, or
- Enrolled less than half-time, or
- Enrolled in programs or classes that do not require a high school diploma or GED, or
- Enrolled in schools that are not considered institutions of higher education.
If you do not meet student eligibility and you meet basic eligibility you should apply for CalFresh.
Basic Eligibility
In CalFresh, a household is a group of people who regularly buy and eat food together. The people in a household do not have to be related to each other.
- Households can be as small as one person
- The same address can have more than one household
- You don’t need to have a home to receive CalFresh
Basic Eligibility Questions:
Does anyone in your household have a social security number?
Is your monthly income before taxes less than the amount allowed?
Use this chart to see if your household’s monthly income, before taxes and other deductions, is under the limit allowed for your household size.
- Please note the following household types that must apply together:
- Children under the age of 22 who are living with their biological, adoptive, or stepparent(s)
- A married couple who lives together
- An unmarried couple living together with a common child
Income Guidelines
October 2, 2024 – September 30, 2025
Household Size | Gross Monthly Income | Food Allotment Range |
1 | $2,510 | $23 - $292 |
2 | $3,408 | $23 - $536 |
3 | $4,304 | $23 - $768 |
4 | $5,200 | $23 - $975 |
5 | $6,098 | $23- $1,158 |
Where do I go for assistance?
Visit the Basic Needs Resources Center in building 9C to receive one-on one application assistance. You can apply for benefits at our Basic Needs Resources Center.
Apply at the comfort of your own pace
If you’d like to apply for CalFresh benefits at your own pace and would like for our
team to track your application and provide guidance and advocacy, you are welcome
to complete the short 10 minute application through our Mt. SAC URL referral below!
Apply for CalFresh benefits now!
Community Partnerships: Center for Healthy Communities
Our CalFresh Outreach efforts at Mt. SAC would not be possible without the incredible support of our partner, Chico State's Center for Healthy Communities (CHC). Center of Healthy Communities is a leader in research-based nutrition, physical activity, and policy changes to support community health. Center of Healthy Communities provides our CalFresh Outreach Program with the resources needed to better serve our Mountie student population.