
Frequently Asked Questions

    • Is there a liaison academic counselor with specific knowledge of Child Development pathways to completion?

      Yes! Patricia Maestro can help you develop an educational plan to complete your academic and career goals.  She can also help you navigate certificates, AS and AS-T degrees, transfer preparation and career options.  You can make an appointment by calling 909-274-4380 OR visit the Counseling Website

    • CHLD 10 and CHLD 11 seem quite similar, which one should I take?
      If you are a Child Development major, you should take CHLD 11 Child & Adolescent Development (3 units).  CHLD 11 can satisfy the following requirements:
      • All Child Development Certificates & Degrees
      • AS Degree GE Area D-2
      • AS Degree GE Area E
      • CSU Transferable Area D
      • CSU Transferable Area E
      CHLD 10 Child Growth & Lifespan Development (3 units) can satisfy the following requirements:
      • AS Degree GE Area D-2
      • AS Degree GE Area E
      • CSU Transferable Area D
      • CSU Transferable Area E
    • Can I complete Child Development certificates and degrees entirely through Distance Learning (on-line) courses?

      While the CDE Department offers many courses on-line, several courses are only offered in an in-person or hybrid format. These courses include CHLD 6, CHLD 61, CHLD 62, CHLD 63, CHLD 66/66L, CHLD 67/67L and CHLD 69/91.

    • Why are some courses only offered in an in-person or hybrid format?

      Here are few examples why some courses are only offered in an in-person or hybrid format:

      CHLD 6 Introduction to Child Development Curriculum is only offered in hybrid and in-person formats. The in-person instruction time provides students the opportunity to explore materials and methods to design and implement learning experiences to promote children’s development and learning. This weekly interactive, hands-on experience gives students the opportunity to understand the interconnectedness of children’s skills development in literacy, mathematics, science, and other disciplines across the early childhood curriculum in alignment with the underlying principles in California's Preschool Learning Foundations.

      CHLD 66/66L Early Child Development Observation and Assessment is only offered in an in-person format. Students observe in a live early childhood classroom applying basic principles for observing, documenting, and interpreting children’s developmental progress in all domains, play and social interactions. Students use a variety of assessment tools to document and assess children’s behaviors, interactions and development as guided by the professor and consistent with policies and practices of the CDC. Students engage in dynamic weekly discussions with the practicum team to reflect on observations made and pedagogical practices.

    • What are the advantages of enrolling in classes with in-person meeting times (i.e. strictly in-person or hybrid)?

      There are numerous advantages of participating in classes with in-person meeting times (i.e. strictly in-person or hybrid).  Below are several reasons why the CDE Department highly encourages students to enroll in as many classes with in-person meeting times as possible.

      1. Personal Connection: In-person meetings foster greater opportunities for collaborating with peers, building interpersonal skills, and participating in group discussions, as well as the ability to team up on activities and projects.  
      2. Hands-On Learning: Professors provide interactive, hands-on materials for students to investigate and explore, enabling students to learn and practice new skills and techniques.
      3. Immediate Feedback: In-person discussions provide opportunities for real-time feedback and clarification from the professor and peers, allowing for more effective communication and problem-solving.
      4. Structure: In-person classes offer the structured environment that Distance Learning courses lack. Some students may find it difficult to remain motivated and engaged in a remote setting, where a computer screen is the only thing holding them accountable for staying on task.
      5. Preparation for the workforce: Early childhood education professionals continuously engage in a collaborative approach, where team members engage in face-to-face interactions to deliver positive outcomes to children and families.  Building collaborative relationships occurs best in-person where colleagues discuss, plan, solve problems and make decisions regarding the children and families they serve.
    • How do I get a Mt. SAC certificate once I have completed the certificate requirements?

      Complete an “Application for Certificate” form online and submit it to the Admissions and Records Office (9B).  Students are encouraged to apply for every CDE certificate and degree for which they qualify.

    • How can I obtain a variance for a Mt. SAC course if I completed a similar course at another college?

      For directions to complete and submit Variance request, visit our Request for Variance form.

      Carefully read the directions on the back of the form, complete the tasks and submit your request to the Business Division.  Once your variance request is approved or denied by the CDE department, it is recorded by the Business Division and Admissions and Records.  The process can take 2-3 weeks.

    • Not all CDE classes are offered every semester or session. Which classes are typically offered in Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer?  What formats (In-person, Hybrid, or Distance Learning/Online) are courses typically offered? I work full-time. Is it possible for me to complete a Child Development degree through Distance Learning (on-line) and evening courses?

      Course offering  provides information on classes that are typically offered in Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer and formats (In-person, Hybrid, or Distance Learning/Online) in which are courses typically offered.  If you would like a printed copy, you can also pick up a “Child Development & Education Certificates, Permits, Degrees & Transfer Information” booklet in the CDE Faculty Office lobby (73-1801) or any CDE classroom.  See page titled “Child Development & Education Course Offerings and Formats”.  It is best to develop a Mountie Academic Plan (MAP) with an academic counselor so courses are completed in a sequential manner.

    • I’d like to enroll in class but have not completed the required prerequisite. Can a course prerequisite be waived?
      No. Prerequisites provide a common academic foundation for all students who enroll in a course.  When a course includes a prerequisite, the course content assumes each student gained specific subject knowledge, skills, and competence upon completion of the prerequisite. The successful completion of prerequisites assures that students are adequately prepared for academic rigor required in course.
    • CHLD 66/66L and CHLD 67/67L tend to fill quickly once registration opens.  What is the best strategy for enrolling in these courses?
      CHLD 66 and co-requisite 66L and CHLD 67 and co-requisite 67L are only offered in fall and spring semesters.  Both the CHLD 66L and 67L labs are conducted at the Mt SAC Child Development Center allowing student to benefit from naturalistic hands-on observation, assessment, and practicum experiences in a dynamic, quality early childhood environment. The CDC is a living laboratory of child development where the ECE classrooms includes student observers and practicum students interacting directly with children and CDC staff members. The number of sections and class size in CHLD 66L and CHLD 67L are limited so not to overwhelm the children in the CDC classrooms.

      Since CHLD 66/66L and CHLD 67/67L tend to fill quickly once registration opens, here are a few tips for our Distance Learning lecture and lab courses:

      1. Prior to enrolling, ALL required prerequisites must be completed with grades posted. Prerequisites for CHLD 66/66L include CHLD 5, CHLD 6, CHLD 11, ENGL 1A, and two of the following: CHLD 61, CHLD 62, and CHLD 63 (CHLD 61, 62, or 63 can be taken prior or during the same semester as CHLD 66/66L). The Perquisites for CHLD 67/67L include CHLD 1, CHLD 6, and CHLD 66 & 66L
      2. Enroll as soon as your registration date and time opens.
      3. Be flexible – enroll in any day and lab time that is open.
      4. Log onto Canvas first thing Monday morning of the start of the semester and complete the attendance verification assignment.  If the attendance verification assignment is not complete by the due date listed by your professor, the professor will drop you from enrollment and your space will be made available to a student on the Wait List.
      5. If all sections are full when your registration date opens, add yourself to the Wait List.  Please note that professors cannot add students to waitlists.  On the first class meeting date, the professor will provide add codes to waitlisted students based on the following: space availability and Wait List number. See How to add yourself to a waitlist for more information 
      6. Check your Mt. SAC email regularly.  Prior to the first day of class, if an enrolled student drops, the first person on the Wait List will receive an automated email inviting them to register for the class.  If you do not register by the deadline, you will be removed from the Wait List and the space will be given to the next person on the Wait List.
      7. Professors have no influence or control regarding student’s registration dates.  Mt. San Antonio College has an established system regarding dates for students to register for classes.  Click the following links to learn more about Priority Registration Information and How is my registration date assigned?
      8. Professors and Department Chairs have no influence or control regarding student’s registration dates.  Mt. San Antonio College has an established system regarding dates for students to register for classes. Click the following links to learn more about Priority Registration Information and How is my registration date assigned?

      If CHLD 67/67L is full, consider enrolling in the alternative CHLD 86/87 Infant Toddler Practicum which meets the requirement for the CHLD Development A.S.

      The Mt SAC CDE professors strive to provide thorough, comprehensive learning experiences to students enrolled in CHLD 66/66L and CHLD 67/67L so they develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions essential for success in the ECE field.  We believe this high quality instruction is preferable over other colleges, however, we understand your eagerness to complete your Child Development degree.  If you wish to complete CHLD 66/66L or CHLD 67/67L at another community college, here is a list of equivalent Courses at CAP Aligned Colleges.  Once you have completed the course and obtain transcripts, please submit a course Request for Variance for Equivalent Course  Variance form.

    • Why is there a limited number of sections and small class sizes for CHLD 66L and CHLD 67L?

      There are 3 main reasons why there are a limited number of sections and small class sizes for CHLD 66L and CHLD 67L:

      1. Class size limits for CHLD 66L (6 students) and CHLD 67L (4 students) are established so there are no more than 10 students in a Child Development Center lab or classroom at one time.  The CDC is a living laboratory where the ECE classrooms includes CHLD 66L observers and CHLD 67L practicum students interacting directly with children and CDC staff members. The number of sections and class size in CHLD 66L and CHLD 67L is limited so not to overwhelm the young children in the CDC classrooms.
      2. Small class size allows opportunities for the professor to provide one-on-one and/or small group weekly feedback to students in an informal setting.
      3. Established class size limits of CHLD 66L (6 students) and CHLD 67L (4 students) are a faculty contractual agreement and recorded in the official course outlines (Faculty
      4. Contract Article 14).
    • What are the advantages of completing CHLD 67/67L Practicum at Mt SAC?

      CHLD 67/67L Early Childhood Practicum and Laboratory is a structured and supervised learning experience that allows students to gain practical knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential for work in the ECE field. Practicum students directly interact with children and the practicum team in a live early childhood classroom.  Each week, students plan and implement developmental learning experiences based on children’s assets and learning needs. Students practice varied teaching strategies, observe the impact of their interventions, and refine their teaching techniques based on the children’s engagement and feedback from the practicum team.

      CHLD 67L students collaborate with one another to design and implement learning experiences that are intentional, developmentally appropriate, engaging, and playful, and reflect the interconnectedness of content areas and related children’s skills development in literacy, mathematics, science, and other disciplines across the curriculum.

      Reflection practice is a vital component of the practicum experience.  During interactive class meetings, students reflect on their curriculum planning, teaching strategies, and in-the-moment adaptations. Reflection fosters continuous learning and improvement enabling students to adapt their approaches based on practicum team observations and feedback.

      CHLD 67L students work closely with the professor and classroom lead teacher who provide guidance, feedback, and support. Collaborating with peers allows for the exchange of ideas, resources, strategies, and team building; skillsets essential for work in the ECE field.

    • I am enrolled in a Child Development class and would like to purchase the required textbook before the semester begins.  How can I find out the title of the required textbook?

      We are pleased you are planning ahead.  All Child Development course sections use the same textbook, for example, in all sections of CHLD 1 we use Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support, 10th Edition by Roberta Berns.  You can find titles of required course textbooks at the Mt SAC bookstore website. If you are interested in purchasing access to an ebook, your instructor will provide you with access information on the first day of class.

    • If a class is full and I want to add the class, what do I do?

      If the desired class is full when your registration date opens, you can add yourself to the class wait list.  Please follow the steps in the waitlist process.  Professors cannot add students to waitlists.  Students on the waitlist must attend the first class meeting date and inquire if the professor has room to add waitlisted students.  The professor will provide add codes to waitlisted students based on the following: space availability and Wait List number.  If you are not on the waitlist, you must attend class the first day and inquired if the professor has room to add non-waitlisted students. 

    • How do I obtain an application for the CA Child Development Permit?

      Application are available online and are being accepted electronically.  Recent changes have been made with the submission process due to COVID-19.  Students can review these changes, download applications and submit applications directly through the Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC).

    • I’m eager to complete CHLD 66/66L but do not have the prerequisites completed, can I complete CHLD66/66L at another college and request a variance.

      Yes, you may complete CHLD 66/66L at another community college and submit a Request for Variance to meet the CHLD 66/66L prerequisite before enrolling in CHLD 67/67L.

      HOWEVER, be aware that the CHLD 66/66L course content and depth of instruction at other colleges may significantly differ in comparison to what students receive in CHLD 66/66L. Mt. SAC students observe in a live early childhood classroom environment (Mt SAC CDC) and receive weekly support and feedback from the professor and practicum team. The small class size lab class is ideal for students to develop the knowledge, skills, and competence essential for later success in the ECE field. Since CHLD 66L is stacked with CHLD 67L, it not only prepares students for the academic rigor expected for CHLD 67/67L, but it also gives students an inclusive preview into the assignments and activities required for CHLD 67/67L.

    • In-person and hybrid class meetings are not always scheduled at times that work best with my schedule, what should I do?

      Work it out.  For every student, college is a balancing act between attending class, completing assignments, reading and studying, holding down a job, caring for family, and other competing obligations.  Earning a degree requires steadfast commitment and continuous practical adaptations, but if you're willing to find solutions to obstacles when they arise, the benefits are worth it.