
Classroom Visitation Evaluations of DL Faculty

Finding an Evaluator 

Need a name of an experienced Distance Learning faculty to conduct the online portion of an “in-class” evaluation? Check out the SPOT-Certified Faculty page.

How to Conduct a Classroom Visitation Evaluation of Distance Learning Faculty

It is beneficial if the evaluatee and the evaluator have a meeting prior to the actual "visitation" so that the layout of the course can be described, including where evidence might be found regarding "Regular and Substantive Interaction" with students and various activities that are part of the class. Also, if this class has regular on-campus meetings, it is advisable to also visit the on-campus portion of the class to get a more complete view of the course.

    • Information for the faculty being evaluated (the "evaluatee")

      screenshot with steps for adding reviewers into Canvas coursesThe faculty being evaluated must add the evaluator into their Canvas course as a "Course Reviewer". Click in "People" in the course navigation menu and complete the following steps:

      1. Inside the big text box enter the evaluator's Mt. SAC e-mail address.
      2. Click on the "Role" drop-down menu and select "Reviewer"
      3. Click on the "Next" button

      It is possible that the user may display multiple times in the next window. If that is the case then please select the account that contains both a Mt. SAC e-mail address, and has "Mt. San Antonio College" listed under Institutions. After you've selected the correct account, hit the "Next" button

      confirmation page for adding reviewer to Canvas course

      Finally, confirm that the correct user is to be added to the Canvas course by clicking the blue "Add Users" button.

      final confirmation page before adding reviewer to Canvas course

      The evaluator will now receive an invitation to join the course. They can join by logging into Canvas and accepting the invitation, or by following the instructors they would have received via e-mail.

    • Information for the Evaluator

      The evaluator should be able to view all portions of the course web site that a student can view. He or she must give the faculty a two-day advance notice before visiting the classroom.

      1. The evaluator must have a Mt. SAC e-mail address in order to have access to a Canvas account.  If the evaluator is not a faculty member and needs an account, he or she should contact Meghan Chen in the Learning Resources Department at x5658.
      2. The evaluator should secure access to the course using the following procedure:
        1. Log into the portal, click on the eLearning Resources tab, click on the Canvas link
        2. Once in Canvas, click on the tile that corresponds to the course you are evaluating. If you don't see the course then please contact the faculty member who's course you are evaluating for assistance.
        3. You should now be in the Canvas course you are to evaluate
      3. The evaluator downloads and prints the H.4.c form - Classroom Visitation Evaluation of Distance Learning Faculty: H.4.c. Classroom Visitation Evaluation of Distance Learning Faculty
      4. The evaluator needs a copy of the Distance Learning Amendment form for the course that is to be evaluated. This form summarizes the DL activities that MAY be included in the class.
      5. Not all activities in the DL Amendment form need to be included in the evaluation. The list is a "menu" of potential activities in the DL course. The DL course amendment form can be found on the webpage, Approved Distance Learning Amendment Forms.

Questions? Contact Catherine McKee, Distance Learning Faculty Coordinator at (909) 274-6369 or or Romelia Salinas, Dean, Library, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning at (909) 274-5658 or

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