Classroom Visitation Evaluations of DL Faculty
Need a name of an experienced Distance Learning faculty to conduct the online portion of an “in-class” evaluation? Check out the SPOT-Certified Faculty page.
How to Conduct a Classroom Visitation Evaluation of Distance Learning Faculty
It is beneficial if the evaluatee and the evaluator have a meeting prior to the actual "visitation" so that the layout of the course can be described, including where evidence might be found regarding "Regular and Substantive Interaction" with students and various activities that are part of the class. Also, if this class has regular on-campus meetings, it is advisable to also visit the on-campus portion of the class to get a more complete view of the course.
Questions? Contact Catherine McKee, Distance Learning Faculty Coordinator at (909) 274-6369 or or Romelia Salinas, Dean, Library, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning at (909) 274-5658 or