
Distance Learning-related Regulations

 Review Mt. SAC's board policies (BPs) and administrative procedures (APs). The following APs apply to distance learning:

AP  Topic AP Link
AP4105  Distance Learning Main AP - RSI, accessibility and other DL requirements

AP 4105 Distance Learning

AP 3450 Accessibility: Captions

AP 3450 Accessibility of Audiovisual Media – Captioning 

AP 3700 Social Media AP

AP 3700 Social Media

AP3720 Use of college technology by employees, software copyrights

AP 3720 Use of Technology and Information Resources and Employee Acceptable Use Agreement

AP 3730 Text Messaging

AP 3730 Text Messaging

AP 4040 Equitable Access to Library Support Services regardless of location

AP 4040 Library and Other Instructional Support Services

AP 4233 Storing Student Grades 

AP4233 Security of Grade Records

AP 4290  Plagiarsm, AI Use, Academic Honesty 

AP 4290 Student Academic Integrity 

AP 5040 FERPA, student records, student privacy 

AP 5040 Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy

AP 5045 Students can request removal of information from their record under specific circumstances

AP 5045 Student Records: Challenging Content and Access Log

AP 5140 Information about student accommodations and services through ACCESS

AP 5140 - Students with Disabilities — General Academic Adjustments

AP 5141 Alternate media options available to students with accommodations, specifically for instructional print media

AP 5141 Students with Disabilities — Accessibility of Instructional Print Media — Alternate Media

AP 5142 Alternative media options available to students with accommodations, specifically  for multimedia

AP 5142 Students with Disabilities — Accessibility of Multimedia Material: Captioning

AP 5300 Student Equity

AP 5300 Student Equity

AP 5310  Rights and limitations to student freedoms related to all classes

AP 5310 Student Bill of Rights

AP 5530 Students Rights, reasons and processes when there are grievances

AP 5530 Student Rights and Grievances 

AP 6365 Information technology will consider accessibility  when purchasing or contracting tools for instruction

AP 6365 Accessibility of Information Technology 

AP 7100 A brief statement expressing Mt. SAC's commitment to diversity among students and employees

AP 7100 Commitment to Diversity

AP 7715 A code of ethics for professors relative to their students and their profession

AP 7715 Faculty Code of Ethics