Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting, 2024.

Mt. SAC Academic Senate

Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting, 2024.
Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting, 2024.

Student Equity Committee Members

Name Title Term Appointed By
Eric Lara Manager / Co-Chair Ongoing Administration
Bruce Nixon Faculty /Co-Chair 2022-2025 Academic Senate
Francesca Gambini Faculty 2023-2026 Academic Senate
Garett Staley Faculty 2024-2027 Academic Senate
Shelby White-Tremazi Faculty / Noncredit 2023-2026 Academic Senate
Luis Echeverria Newberry Faculty 2024-2027 Academic Senate
Urias Garcia Faculty 2024-2027 Academic Senate
Anabel Perez Faculty 2022-2025 Academic Senate
Patricia QuiƱones  Manager 2023-2026 VP of Instruction
Tami Pearson Manager / Noncredit 2023-2026 VP of SCE
Melissa Vang Classified (Research Team) 2023-2025 Administration
Andrea Gonzalez Classified 2025-2027 VP of Student Services
Yadir Virgen Student 2024-2025 Associated Students

Student Equity Committee Support: Catherine Parks, Administrative Specialist
Committee website maintained by: Catherine Parks | 909.274.5576

Meeting Schedule

The Student Equity Committee meets every 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month (during primary semesters) from 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 
The Co-Chairs are Eric Lara, Associate Dean of Student Success and Equity and Bruce Nixon, Faculty.
This is an open meeting -