
Global Pals Application


Welcome to the Global Pals Application form.

Application period

  • Spring 2025: February 24- April 11
  • Fall 2025: August 25 - September 21
How to Join Global Pals:
  1. Students must be currently attending Mt. SAC
  2. Students must be able to commit to attending Orientation.
  3. Students must be able to commit to 4 Friday Global Pal Events (occurring once a month during the semester).
  4. Complete & submit this Global Pals application form.

If you do not have a U.S. phone number leave this question blank.

Are you enrolled in and currently attending Mt. SAC classes?
Are you a F1 Visa International Student?

A F-1 Visa International Student is a student studying at Mt. SAC on a foreign student visa.

Examples: EOPS, MEChA, ASPIRE, History Club, International Student Club, REACH, ect.

Are you available to attend the Mandatory Orientation?

Global Pals Orientation - Friday, March, 2025, from 11:00am-2pm.

Can you commit to attend 3 Friday Mandatory Global Pals Events in the Spring 2025 Semester?

April field trip, May field trip, June End of the Year Celebration

Examples: vegetarian or vegan