
Language Partners

    • Application for LP, JLP, KLP, and SLP

      Depending on your browser settings, you may need to click "Fill out Form" below to open the application.

      The Language Partners application is closed for the Winter 2025 semester. The Spring 2025 application will open February 24.

    • Language Partner (LP) Activities

      Find activities for Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish

      These activities do not follow your textbook. Use these to expand your understanding of the language and improve your speaking ability. 

      Language Partners helps students improve conversational skills with a the same-level language student. This will give both of you a chance to explore new vocabulary, practice your skills, and get some one-on-one interaction with someone who is also studying your target language.

      Apply for Language Partners (using the first heading above) to get your partner. In most cases, the LLC will assign you a partner based on your study language and level and a few other factors. If you want to choose your partner, first find another student to work with. Then, each of you should fill out an application and list each other's names in the space provided for a "specific partner" request. You will not be able to complete activities until you have both filled out an application for a total of 2 applications.

    • Japanese Language Partners (JLP) Activities

      Japanese students should do JLP Activities.

      Apply for Language Partners (using the first heading above) to get your partner. In most cases, the LLC will assign you a partner based on your study language and level and a few other factors. If you want to choose your partner, first find another student to work with. Then, each of you should fill out an application and list each other's names in the space provided for a "specific partner" request. You will not be able to complete activities until you have both filled out an application for a total of 2 applications.

    • Korean Language Partners (KLP) Activities

      Korean students should do KLP Activities.

      Apply for Language Partners (using the first heading above) to get your partner. In most cases, the LLC will assign you a partner based on your study language and level and a few other factors. If you want to choose your partner, first find another student to work with. Then, each of you should fill out an application and list each other's names in the space provided for a "specific partner" request. You will not be able to complete activities until you have both filled out an application for a total of 2 applications.

    • Sign Language Partners (SLP) Activities

      Sign Language students should do SLP Activities.

      These activities do not follow your textbook. Use these to expand your understanding of the language and improve your speaking ability. 

      Language Partners helps students improve conversational skills with a the same-level language student. This will give both of you a chance to explore new vocabulary, practice your skills, and get some one-on-one interaction with someone who is also studying your target language.

      Apply for Language Partners (using the first heading above) to get your partner. In most cases, the LLC will assign you a partner based on your study language and level and a few other factors. If you want to choose your partner, first find another student to work with. Then, each of you should fill out an application and list each other's names in the space provided for a "specific partner" request. You will not be able to complete activities until you have both filled out an application for a total of 2 applications.

    • Getting Started
      1. Register for your language. This will give you access to the LLC Canvas shell for your language.
      2. Fill out the application ABOVE - first heading.
      3. Wait for an email with your partner's contact information, your Pair #, and instructions to get started.
      4. Schedule a time to meet with your partner on campus in the LLC or remotely over Zoom.
      5. When you meet with your partner, choose from a variety of World Language Activities, Japanese Language Activities, or Sign Language Activities
        *Note: Activities are not necessarily aligned with course content. This is a chance for you to learn new language outside of class. Choose whatever topic sounds interesting to you!*
      6. Complete the activities with your partner either in the lab or on a recorded Zoom video call, ending with creating and performing a dialogue. Follow these instructions for on on-campus activities or these instructions for online activities and email if you need help.
      7. Wait for an email letting you know you've earned a stamp. Stamps are awarded several times a week. In this email, you will also receive shareable video links that you can send to your professor.
      8. Come back and complete more activities to earn stamps and rewards!
    • Finding Partners

      In most cases, the LLC will assign you a partner based on your study language and level and a few other factors.

      If you want to choose your partner, first find another student to work with. Then, each of you should fill out an application and list each other's names in the space provided for a "specific partner" request. You will not be able to complete activities until you have both filled out an application for a total of 2 applications.

      Wait for an email with your partner's contact information, your Pair #, and instructions to get started. Try at least twice (with different subject lines) to email your partner and arrange a meeting time online or in the LLC. IF your partner does not respond after 10 days or so, please email, explain what has happened, and request a new partner. 

      IF you do not get an email from the LLC with your partner match within a week, please email us and let us know you are waiting. Some common reasons for the delay are no other applications at your language and level or no other applications available with your selected meeting method (on campus or online).

    • Instructions

      It is important to read the instructions so that your professor knows about your work.

      On-Campus Student Instructions

      Online Student Instructions

    • Stamps & Credit
      Two things are necessary for you to be emailed a "stamp" for a completed activity.
      1. The Zoom recording MUST include you and your partner taking turns reading/acting the final conversation that you write while you are sharing the written conversation on your screen. Please understand that just writing the conversation will NOT get you a stamp. The recording must include your performance of the dialogue.
      2. The completed activity form must be turned in at the LLC (if you meet in the LLC and complete the activity on paper) OR in the LLC Canvas shell (if you complete the activity on a computer). Without the completed form, you will not get a stamp. You can submit multiple forms  under the same assignment link in the LLC Canvas.

      NOTE: Students studying Japanese or Korean who do a regular LP activity will receive a stamp from the LLC for that. However, your professor may not accept anything other than the JLP activities or KLP activties that are written specifically for Japanese and Korean learners at Mt. SAC.

    • Winners

      Congratulations to the Summer 2024 Final Winners of Language Partners!

      Giselle Aguilar and Adela Enriquez (Japanese)

      Winners are featured on our website and receive a certificate, gift card, and the ultimate bragging rites! 

      In Spring and Fall, The LLC declares winners at the end of Week 7 and Week 14. In Winter and Summer, winners are declared at the end of Week 5.

    • FAQ

      How do I start Language Partners? The first step is to fill out the application (at the top of this page). After you submit the application, wait for an email from the LLC saying you have a partner match. Then, contact your partner to arrange a time to meet up, either on campus in the LLC or online using the unique Zoom link provided to you by the LLC.

      Can I work with my friend/classmate? Absolutely! If you have someone in mind that you want to work with, make sure to talk to them first, before you apply for Language Partners. Once you two agree to work together, each of you should fill out the application separately. There is a question on the application that asks, "Would you like to work with a specific classmate?" Say yes, and then write your partner's first and last name in the space provided.  Make sure your partner does the same.  

      Even though you know who your partner is, you should still wait for a confirmation email from the LLC (usually within 2 days) before completing any activities. After you receive your confirmation, you will have access to a unique Zoom link for recording your activities.

      I applied a week ago, but I haven't received a partner. What's up? We make every effort to match students up as soon as possible. However, because Language Partners is volunteer-based, there is no guarantee that we will be able to partner you right away. In particular, certain study languages have very few applicants, so it may be difficult to find someone who matches your level and preferences. If it has been more than one week since you applied for Language Partners, you can email us at to check the status of your application.

      Where's my stamp? Language Partners stamps typically take 3-5 business days to process. If it has been 1 week or more since you completed your activity, you can contact the LLC at

      Sometimes, stamps are not awarded because there is a problem with the activity. Make sure you follow the directions (on campus or online)carefully. If we find an issue with your activity, we will email you, so make sure to check your email for any missed messages from us (we will always put "Language Partners" in the subject line).