Passport Rewards Leaderboards for Winter 2025
Winners are announced Weeks 7 and 14 (Fall and Spring) and Week 5 (Winter and Summer).
"Winners" are those with the most stamps in their passports during the appropriate
time period. Winners will receive a certificate noting their accomplishment and a
$10 gift card.
Former Language Partner Winners
Language Partners
1.- Ying Yang & Kawai Li (JP)
2.- Diana Lopez & Michael Prihisztal (JP)
students talking
Rosetta Stone World Languages
1.- Kawai Li (JP)
2.- Vivien Ramirez (KO)
3.- Huiqing Zhang (SP)
Get rewarded for attending tutoring
English Tutoring SDLAs
1.- Jiin(Gina) Kwon
2.- Qingyun (Ginger) Ji
3.- Tie: Jenny Yu, Lirong Sheng
Former Passport Rewards winner
Rosetta Stone English
1.- Fengchang Li
2.- Ziwei Zhang
3.- Guogeng Liu