
Purchasing Department

We are fully committed to establishing a productive business relationship with vendors and contractors to provide quality products and services for the College at the most competitive prices. We conduct all transactions and contract awards for the College based on price and suitability, in accordance governing codes and regulations including, but not limited to, all provisions of the California Civil, Education, Government and Public Contract Codes as well as Board Policy. 

Our Business Ethics

Purchasing functions will be carried out in a most efficient manner consistent with service to the
College, legal requirements, and sound procurement practices conducted with fairness, dignity,
honesty, and integrity. 

Since Mt. SAC is a state-funded institution, there are several required procurement procedures and processes that must be adhered to by both the College and prospective vendors who want to provide goods and services. Under state law, the Mt. SAC Board of Trustees has the ultimate responsibility for all purchases and contracts.

The College’s purchasing philosophy is to maintain professional relationships with all vendors. Vendors are free to advertise and contact our various departments directly. However, your promotional efforts should not include gifts, favors, or any form of personal gratuities to any College personnel. We are equally committed to the principle of inclusive opportunity and welcome the participation of all qualified businesses, including those owned and operated by women, minority, and other underrepresented groups.

Purchasing Info

    • Contact Us
      (909) 274-4245

      For Contractors:

    • Hours | Building 4-1385

      Building 4 - Office 1385
      Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

    • Print Services

      The Print Services group provides photocopying, and binding services for academic and administrative departments. Faculty and staff can fill out a Printing Request Form right from their web browser using any network connection on campus or while connected to the Internet from home, anytime, anywhere! The Online Print Request System is sure to provide faster, more reliable service at a significant savings.

      (909) 274-4255

    • Copier locations

      The walk-up copiers are provided for occasional, small, quick copy jobs. Any copy job larger than 30 copies should be submitted to Print Services. Report copier problems to IT Help Desk at (909) 274 - 4357.

      • Bldg. 4-2520 - Mailroom
      • Bldg. 26A Room 2630
      • Bldg. 26D Room 2481A
      • Bldg. 28B Room 302A
      • Bldg. 60 Room 1406
      • Bldg. 61 Room 1668
      • Bldg. 66 Room 227
    • Mail Room

      Mail Services provides all incoming and outgoing mail through the United Postal Service and campus mail.

      (909) 274-4212

    • Staff

      Angelic Davis
      Director of Purchasing, Print, and Mail Services
      (909) 274-4245

      Joe Carbajal
      Special Projects Manager
      (909) 274-4717

      Tiffany Chen
      Procurement Specialist
      (909) 274-5514

      Danielle Calhoun
      Procurement Specialist
      (909) 274-5510

      Ana Cisneros
      (909) 274-5509

      Diana Diaz
      Administrative Specialist III
      (909) 274-4245

      Print Services
      (909) 274-4255

      Craig Hobson
      Coordinator, Print Services

      Peggy Amaro
      Administrative Specialist II

      Donna Rutherford
      Lead Printing Services Tech

      Brandon Smith
      Printing Services Tech

      Christopher Victor
      Printing Services Tech

      Mail Services
      (909) 274-4212

      Clarence Tagaro
      Mail Room Operator

      Patty Castillo
      Mail Room Operator

  • Thank you for your interest in doing business with Mt. San Antonio College.
    Our College uses a web based process for submitting bids. To register for notifications of bid opportunities, please register via the college's E-procurement Bidding System. You’ll receive an email to activate your account, and then subscribe to our bids. For more information about how to register, please see our help file here.

    The e-Bid Portal will allow interested parties to do the following:

    • Register to bid and receive notifications of future opportunities in the e-Bid Portal by selecting Subscribe to create an account.
    • Follow updates to existing solicitations by finding the solicitation and clicking the Follow button. This will allow all interested parties to receive amendments and addenda automatically.
    • Submit questions and receive answers for open solicitations.
    • Guide vendors through the process of responding electronically to RFPs, bids, etc. to ensure submissions have been accurately completed.
    • Ultimately, be your one location for all bid opportunities issued by the College.


    In addition to OpenGov registration, new vendors should complete a new vendor packet and send it to

      • Deliveries

        Deliveries - Bldg. 48

        When making deliveries, the purchase order number must appear on all packages and packing slips. Receiving hours are 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Unless otherwise specified on the purchase order, all materials shipped to the College must be delivered to:

        Mt. San Antonio
        College Warehouse / Central Receiving (Deliveries at Bldg. 48)

        1100 N. Grand Avenue Walnut, CA 91789

      • Bid Information

        Bid Information

        Mt. San Antonio College uses a e-Bid Procurement system hosted by OpenGov, provided at no cost to all interested businesses. 

        OpenGov (e-Bid Portal) Overview

        The e-Bid Portal allows suppliers, contractors, and service providers to register online and to receive automated email notifications of solicitations (Bids, RFPs, and Quotes) for goods and services pertinent to their business, as well as allowing registered vendors to download bid documents, receive addenda, submit electronic bids, and view bid results.

        To register for notifications of bid opportunities, please register via college's E-procurement Bidding System. You’ll receive an email to activate your account, and then subscribe to our bids by navigating . For more information about how to register, please see our help file here.

      • Formal Bid Process

        Formal Bid Process

        Formal bids are required for Supplies, Equipment, and Services more than $114,800. This amount is in accordance with Public Contract Code 20651 and may increase annually. 

        1. Notices of formal bids will be issued to potential vendors electronically via OpenGov and published in the legal section of the local paper once a week for two consecutive weeks.
        2. Bidders must read and understand all the bid documents. If vendors need any portion of the bid language clarified, they have the opportunity to submit in writing “requests for clarification/ information”.
        3. Vendors and contractors must ensure that bids are submitted on or before the deadline. Bids received after the deadline are rejected.
        4. Bids are opened electronically at a specified time.
        5. Bids are then reviewed to determine the lowest responsible and responsive bidder.
        6. The selected vendor and bid proposal are recommended for approval to the Mt. SAC Board of Trustees at its next regularly scheduled meeting (usually the second Wednesday of the month). If approved by the board, the contract is then awarded.
      • Invoicing & Payments

        Invoicing & Payments

        Vendors may expect payment within 30 days once delivery and receipt of correct merchandise and an approved invoice are confirmed. Invoices that allow cash discounts of more than 35 days may be considered when determining the award of bids and quotes.

        Inquiries concerning the payment of a particular invoice, or to expedite payment, should be directed to the College’s Accounts Payable Department. All invoices should be submitted by email to and include the appropriate purchase order number.

      • Hazardous Products

        Vendors are required to provide Safety Data Sheets (SDS) from the manufacturer for all products that are considered hazardous as defined by Title 8, California Code of Regulations. The SDS is required with the merchandise being shipped.

        Chemical Purchase Tracking

      • Contracts and Agreements
      • Workshops and Events
  • Mt. SAC's purchasing process is completed using the Banner Finance module. If you have been identified as a key person who works in Banner Finance, you must attend one of Purchasing’s Training Series listed below.

    After completing the Banner Finance Overview session, you must submit a Banner Finance Account Form to receive the appropriate Banner security access clearance. 

    To sign up for trainings click the “POD Calendar” link below.

    Banner Finance Account Request Form
  • Our District has elected to become subject to the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act ("CUPCCAA"), Public Contract Code sections 22000 et seq. Accordingly, and pursuant to the provisions of Public Contract Code section 22034 and the criteria Promulgated by the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission, contractors interested in bidding on District public works projects are required to complete and submit the Informal Bidding Request (Projects less than $220,000) in order to be placed on the District's Informal Bidding Contractor List.

    In accordance with SB 854, all contractors and subcontractors must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) to be awarded contracts for public works projects. DIR has extensive information regarding public works requirements on its Public Works website, including instructions for DIR Contractor Registration.



    • FAQs for Mt. SAC Employees
        • Vendors/Suppliers
        • Requisitions & Purchase Orders
            • How do I create a requisition?

              Requisitions are completed via Banner Finance. Banner is the main platform for ordering. Requestor Training and an approved Banner Request Form are required to gain access to Banner. 
              Once training is complete, orders can be submitted via electronic request. When completing a requisitions be sure to:

              1. Include the date of when order is needed
              2. Ensure that all required Approvals for department/division are obtained. Keep in mind the following:
                • All orders over $5,000 – Vice President
                • All computer/technology-related orders over $200 – IT Department
              3. If a price quote is received, list the sales rep and the date in the Document Text. 
              4. For items requiring Board approval, include the Board approval date in the document text.
              5. Always use the correct Commodity Code, then list additional information in the following order: manufacturer, make/model, size, color, vendor’s catalog no., and/or period of service.  For equipment purchases, reference the “Banner Requisition Guide”.
              6. A Purchase Order is a contract with the vendor.  Any changes to that contract must be issued by Purchasing in writing in the form of a Change Order via email at
            • What is “back up”?
              Backup is required documentation that is connected to a requisition request. All Backup is stored in the campus’s centralized information platform called OnBase.   Backup can include quote, board approval, contract, justification form, or any other supporting documents.
              Proof of competitive pricing is required for all purchases over $10,000 (including labor, taxes, and shipping).  To show proof use our “Quote Summary and Justification” form.
            • Where is my Requisition or Purchase Order?
              You may check the status of your requisition by signing into Banner and going to Document History (FOIDOCH) to search by the Requisition Number.  In the 'Document Type' field enter REQ or PO, tab to the Document Code field, enter the Requisition Number (R00xxxxx) or Purchase Order Number (P00xxxxx), and click GO. Check the status under “Status Description”.   
              Note: You may access each document by clicking on the document number, selecting “Related” from the ribbon at top right. Select “Query Document [BY TYPE]” and click “Go”.
              Looking for items? - If there is a Receiver Number in the Receiver column, but you have not yet received the items, contact the Central Receiving Department at (909) 274 - 4870 to request a status.
            • What if I have an emergency order?

              An emergency is defined as:

              • A sudden, unforeseen event that disrupts classroom activity
              • An unplanned condition that could pose a risk to persons or property

              Remember:  Lack of planning is NOT an emergency.

              However, we understand that things happen and orders must occasionally be expedited.  These situations require coordination between requesters, approvers, and the Purchasing Department.  Follow the steps below to ensure your order is successfully expedited.

              1. Enter a Requisition in Banner.
              2. Check the Approval Queue to see who is next to approve. To check the approval queue sign into Banner and go to FOAAINP. Contact each approver once the Requisition has reached his/her queue.  Follow this process all the way through the final approval by the Accounting Department.
              3. Contact the Purchasing Department via email to notify that a Requisition needs expediting. Include Vendor Name and Requisition Number in email.  Remember to upload all supporting backup documentation to OnBase. 
            • How do I increase or decrease a purchase order (Change Order)?
              You may request an increase or decrease by submitting a change order request to  Include all the necessary information for the change. Once the change has been made by Purchasing, the PO will route through the approval queues, first the requestor’s department, then Accounting.  Accounting will not approve an increase if the funds are not available (NSF).  If sufficient funds are not available, a budget journal covering the increase must be processed.
            • How do I track the approvals of a Requisition or a Change Order Request?
              Use Document Approval (FOAAINP) or Document Approval History (FOIAPPH). 
              To see who needs to approve, in Banner, go to FOAAINP and enter the Requisition number (or Purchase Order number if a change order) in the Document field, then click GO.  The form sorts the approval queues (departments) in alphabetical order, not the order of required approval.  The requesting department’s approvals will be required first and Accounting’s approval last. Highlight a queue level line to see the approver listed below.  
              To see approval history, in Banner, go to FOIAPPH, then enter the specific requisition number or Purchase Order/Change Sequence Number in the “Document Code” field and click GO.  A list of approval history is provided.
            • How do I submit supporting backup documents for my Requisition?
              Supporting documents must be submitted to the Purchasing Department using a Requisition Cover Sheet.  A separate cover sheet must be used for each requisition and its correlating documents.  Supporting documents may be scanned and emailed to  While scanned documents are the preferred method, you may also fax your documents to (909) 274 - 2025, or forward through campus mail.
            • How do I delete a requisition no longer needed?

              You may delete an "incomplete" requisition by accessing the document through FPAREQN in Banner.  Type the requisition number in the blank field, then select "Go."  From the Requisition Entry: Requestor/Delivery Information screen, click the [Delete] button.  Repeat clicking the [Delete] button sequence once more, then click “OK.”

              If your Requisition has been completed, but not final approved, you may pull the Requisition back to delete it.  To pull back a Requisition, type FOADOCU in Banner.  Once you are in FOADOCU, select "Go."  From there, select the Requisition you want to pull back so that the line is highlighted. Click on the "Deny Document" icon to the far right, which should be in red bold.  Close out of the FOADOCU page and go back to FPAREQN.  Then enter the Requisition number and complete the "Delete" sequence as explained above.

            • I entered an incorrect fund, organization, account, or program number.  How do I revise it?

              For a requisition: Up until the requisition is approved by Accounting, the requester may retrieve the requisition to make the revision using FOADOCU. Then go back to FPIREQN. Type requisition number and click GO.  After revising, tab entirely through the requisition to balance the (unseen) data tables.  If unbalanced, the requisition will show an 'A' in the NSF cell and will not be successfully approved.

              For a purchase order: If the payment has not yet been made, you may request a PO change order to correct the error. Request a change order via Include the PO number in subject line.  Once the change has been made, the purchase order change order (PO C/O) will route through the requesting department’s approvals, then Accounting’s approval.

              For a paid expense: The requesting department’s budget manager will need to request a journal transfer in writing to Accounting (by email).  Please also provide the 'To' and 'From' account strings (fund, organization, account, and program numbers) on the request.

            • Has the purchase order been paid?

              In Banner, go to FOIDOCH.  In 'Document Type,' enter PO, then “Document Code” type the PO number, and click GO.  If the check is in process, the invoice will show 'P' for Paid and the check number and status will be blank.  Once the check has been processed, the check number will be reported.  The Check Status includes:  Blank – not yet cashed; F – final reconciliation (cashed); and X – cancelled.  Cancellation of the check would apply to situations where the payment was no longer needed, or the check was stale dated (no longer negotiable).

            • How do I check the available balance on a standing purchase order (SPO) or purchase order (PO)?

              Go to Detail Encumbrance Activity (FGIENCD).  Enter the specific SPO or PO number in the Encumbrance field.  Then, select “GO”. In the Item section (middle section), arrow down to see each item on PO, if applicable.  For each item, click on 'Next Block' to go to the Transaction section (bottom section).  Then, scroll through the transaction detail.  The last transaction entry will show the current remaining balance.

            • How do I assist with expediting a payment?

              Ensure that the supporting documentation, as applicable per purchase, has been submitted to Purchasing/Accounts Payable.  Vendor invoices will be received by Accounts Payable and sent to the respective department manager for signature.  Please return the approved/signed invoice promptly to Accounts Payable.  Supporting documentation may include quotes, agreements, and/or Board approval.  

            • Will my supply standing purchase order (SPO) be closed at year-end?

              Supply SPOs are for items under $500 each and are typically opened for a fiscal year, and therefore will close at year-end.  However, if the fund balance has been used prior to year-end, the SPO will be closed with the last payment.  For more information, refer to the Year-end Close Schedule emailed by Fiscal Services in the spring term.

            • May I enter a requisition in Banner using a Foundation account?

              Yes, you may enter a requisition in Banner.  Select a Foundation vendor, which are vendor numbers starting with the letter F.

        • Equipment Purchases
        • Procurement Card (P-Card)
            • What is a P-Card?
              A purchasing card or P-Card is a form of company credit card that allows goods and/or services, depending on the type of card, to be paid for without using the traditional purchasing process.  For more information on P-Cards, refer to Procurement Card User Guide.
            • How do I obtain a P-Card?
              Permanent employees who have passed their probationary period are eligible to receive a P-Card upon approval of their area President or Vice President, and the Vice President, Administrative Services.  Complete a 'Request for Issuance of Procurement Card' form. Once approved the request will be forwarded to the Purchasing Department.  Requestors will be asked to complete a training via POD Connect.
        • Independent Contractor
            • Is a vendor an Independent Contractor?

              AB 5 is a bill the California Governor signed into law in September 2019 addressing employment status when a hiring entity claims that the person it hired is an independent contractor and must determine if workers in California are employees or independent contractors for purposes of the Labor Code, the Unemployment Insurance Code, and the Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) wage orders. 
              For more information on Independent Contractor versus employee, please visit: 

              TIP: Vendors providing any type of service (piano tuners, mechanics, technicians, lecturers, performing artists, or consultants) are considered an Independent Contractor. Review vendor’s W-9 form, if a social security number is provided as tax ID number or if they are an individual/sole proprietor, a single-member LLC, or a Partnership, they are an Independent Contractor. 

            • What is the Independent Contractor procedure?
              Requestors must fill out an “Independent Contractor” form  and complete “Independent Contractor Request” form. Once approved by Human Resources the Department will complete a requisition request in Banner and upload required documents in OnBase. This agreement will need Board Approval. 
        • Purchasing Rules

          Because we use government money to pay for everything we buy, we are subject to federal and state regulations that govern what and how we do our buying. 

          1. Under law, our Board of Trustees has the sole authority for all purchases – and, with few exceptions, it has delegated that authority to Purchasing.
          2. Unauthorized Purchases. Employees are not allowed to place an order with a vendor and send a “confirming” requisition to Purchasing. Employees can be personally responsible for paying a vendor if an employee commits the College to any purchase or service without going through Purchasing.
          3. Conflict of Interest. The College is not allowed to purchase from any company in which an employee has direct or indirect ownership.  It is considered a conflict of interest if a College employee will financially benefit in any way.
          4. Bid Splitting. It is not allowed to split up big orders into smaller ones to avoid bid thresholds (see threshold table in The Basic Process section).
            • In addition to being illegal, the Accounting Department or the auditor could stop payment to the vendor – which is not fair to the vendor since they contracted with us in good faith.

          5. Deposits are allowed only after receiving prior approval from the Board of Trustees.
          6. Lottery Funds may only be used to buy instructional books, supplies and software but cannot be used to purchase equipment.
          7. Gift Purchases are not allowed with District funds.
          8. Alcohol purchases are never allowed except for some instructional laboratories.
          9. Invoices should be sent directly from the vendor to Accounts Payable and payment warrants will be mailed directly to the vendor.
        • Basic Order Process

          The basic purchasing process is as follows, no matter the size of an order:

          1. Identify an item/service needed and obtain a quote from Vendor. 
          2. Verify department budget has sufficient funds in the account to pay for the purchase. If sufficient funds are not available, initiate an appropriation transfer and track it through Banner before proceeding to the next step.
          3. Create and submit a requisition in Banner and provide “backup” in OnBase. 
          4. Acquire approvals by tracking the Banner requisition status through approvals, contacting approvers as needed. 
          5. Purchasing creates the Purchase Order, places the order with vendor. 
          6. Warehouse receives goods and delivers to designated area.  
          7. Orders must be checked and received on the delivery slip. Manager signs the vendor invoice accepting delivery of and authorizing payment for those items. 
          8. Accounts Payable pays the invoice and disburses the check to vendor. 
        • Warehouse
            • What's the Campus Delivery Schedule?


              • 1 Art Complex
              • 2 Performing Arts
              • 3 Gym 
              • 4 Administration
              • 6 LTC 


              • 7 Science
              • 8 Campus Café
              • 10 Founders Hall
              • 11 Science 
              • 9A-D Student Svc 9E -Student Success Ctr.
              • 67 A&B Health
              • 45 Athletics
              • 742 Stadium


              • 12 Ag Sciences
              • 12A Foundation
              • 13 Design Tech
              • 23 IT
              • 77 BTC
              • 78 BTC
              • 79 BTC
              • 16E – Equity Ctr
              • 9F
              • 9G


              • 26A, B & D
              • 27 PE/Wellness
              • 28 Tech.& Health
              • 29 Central Plant
              • 60 Science Lab
              • 69 AIRC/Weld 


              • 40 Comm. Ed.
              • 46 PE Offices
              • Hort. Unit
              • 30 
              • 35 
              • 47 Maintenance
              • 61 Natural Sc./ Math
              • 66 Language Ctr
              • 70 CDC
              • 73 CDC

              Note: Delivery Schedules are subject to change due to facilities relocations.

              The Warehouse welcomes in-person pickups between 8:00 am – 3:30 pm, if a requestor cannot wait for their scheduled delivery, contact the Warehouse at Ext. 4870.  Be ready to provide a purchase order number.

            • What is store stock?

               The Warehouse stocks basic office, classroom, paper, and custodial supplies for use by the entire campus at no charge to department’s budget.

              • Requests can be made on the Mt. SAC website under the Administrative Forms page, select “Warehouse” button.
              • Orders will be delivered on next scheduled delivery day.
              • Please order on an as-needed basis, stockpiling large quantities is not permitted.
            • What does our department do with item no longer need (surplus) or we received a donation?

               Any equipment or furniture no longer need, or that is broken beyond repair, must be properly disposed.  After determining there is no other need for the item on campus, the College uses three ways to dispose of surplus items:

              • Donation to another educational institution or non-profit agency.
              • Bulk sales through a liquidator auction firm.
              • Online Auction through a liquidator auction firm.


              • Tag item(s) if it is still working.
              • Tag item(s) if anyone is interested in having it donated.
              • Donations require a letter from the interested party confirming their non­profit status as well as Board approval.  Contact Purchasing for further information.
              • Submit an online work order using “School Dude” for the Warehouse to pick up item(s). Department Administrators have access to submit a request.
            • How can I request relocation services?

              The Warehouse staff provides limited relocation services for the following:

              • Moving furniture/equipment in a single office or classroom
              • Setting up furniture for ACCESS students each semester 
                Removing surplus equipment and furniture to the Warehouse for disposal

              To schedule a move or removal by Warehouse staff, please submit a work order via “School Dude” online system. 

            • What is School Dude? 

              Recently hired administrators can request a School Dude account via Facilities at (909) 274 - 4850.

              1. Access School Dude: Go to and log in with name and password.
              2. Complete all required fields in Step 1 and 2.
              3. At Step 3, click on Warehouse.
              4. Complete remaining Steps 4-8 and click submit.

              The Warehouse will contact via e-mail or phone to set up a time for the work to be done. Moves are limited to a single classroom or office.  Relocating multiple rooms and/or buildings is done by professional movers.  Contact our Facilities Department at (909) 274 -  4850 to schedule a big move.

        • Single or Sole Source Vendor

          Sometimes, there is only one source for that expensive item (over $10,000) and the purchase is unique and/or proprietary to that vendor.


            • Single Source – Planetarium Zeiss Star Projector: only projector that meets our needs, although there are many star projectors and manufacturers.
            • Sole Source – TracDat software for PIE & SLO/AUO process: this is the only software of its kind and it is proprietary to Nuventive LLP.


          • Submit a Single/sole Source Form to Purchasing for approval. If the product is proprietary, include a letter from the vendor.
          • Once approval is received, enter a Requisition in Banner, and upload executed proposal and approved Single/Sole Source Form to OnBase.
        • Personal Reimbursements

          If small purchases are made for the College using personal monies a reimbursement can be requested under the following conditions:


            • Purchase a book at a conference
            • Special project supplies for a class project
            • Purchase from a vendor who does not take purchase orders


          • Must be authorized in advance by department/division manager and the Purchasing Director. If not, an employee may be liable for the purchase.
          • Limited to less than $500, unless otherwise authorized by Purchasing Director, or the Associate Vice President of Fiscal Services.
          • Should never include equipment items (i.e. computer / printer) over $500.
          • Complete a Payment Reimbursement Form, found on the Fiscal Services Forms and Reference Document webpage. Upload documents via Chrome River, include original invoice and/or receipt showing proof of purchase/payment and packing slip. Must include the reason for an event, the event date, attendees, and any other applicable detailed support.
      Have a suggestion? 

      If you would like to add a question to our list, please send an email to