
Campus Equity and Diversity Committee Membership

Associate Vice President, Human Resources (Tri-chair) Tika Davé-Harris, MPA Ongoing
Vice President, Human Resources, or Designee (Ex-Officio)  (Designee) Lisa Rodriguez, Ph.D. Ongoing 
Academic Senate Appointee (Tri-chair) Stacy Bacigalupi  2023-26
Faculty Association Appointee  Tony Rivas 2024-27
Management Appointee Vacant 2024-27
Classified 262 Appointee (Tri-chair) Robin Cash 2024-25
Classified 651 Appointee  Kimberly Butler 2024-27
Classified Senate Appointee Yvette Garcia 2023-26
Confidential Appointee Vacant 2024-27
Student (Appointed by the Associated Students President) Joey Perez 2024-25
Committee Recorder (Not a voting member) Harry Nakaoki Ongoing