Personal Safety and Emergency Preparedness

These courses teach students with developmental disabilities personal safety skills and how to interact with emergency personnel, including law enforcement.

ACCS IAEP Interacting with Emergency Personnel and Authorities:

Prepares students with disabilities to interact with emergency personnel including law enforcement. Overview of the criminal justice system and reporting victimization.

ACCS ILSSS Independent Living Skills – Safety Skills:

Personal safety for students with intellectual disabilities, designed to improve personal safety in the home and community.

Spring 2025 Schedule:

Course TitleCourse CodeCRNDay(s)Start TimeEnd TimeStart DateEnd DateLocationInstructior & Email
Ind Liv - Safety SkillsILSSS43464W09:00AM11:50AM02/26/202506/18/2025La Verne Community CenterLuu, Jennifer
Interact with AuthoritiesIAEP43461W09:00AM11:50AM02/26/202506/18/2025Cameron Park, West CovinaMedina, Allison
Interact with AuthoritiesIAEP41641T09:30AM12:20PM02/25/202506/17/2025Bldg: 40 Room: 121Ramirez Catalan, Briseida
Ind Liv - Safety SkillsILSSS41676W09:30AM12:20PM02/26/202506/18/2025Bldg: 40 Room: 119Reyes, Oscar

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