
Public Records Request and Subpeonas

    • Public Records Requests

      The California Public Records Act grants the public essential rights to access government information. In alignment with these principles, Mt. San Antonio College prioritizes transparency by ensuring its records management systems facilitate efficient access to official documents.

      All requests must be submitted by email to Please note that some records are exempt from public disclosure, and personal or private information may be redacted as necessary. Under the Public Records Act, the District is not obligated to create documents that do not already exist. Once a request is received, Mt. SAC will perform a thorough search for the requested records and provide a response within ten business days.

      Helpful Tips and Reminders:
      Please be descriptive and specific in your request. For example, you might consider including (if applicable):
      • Date ranges
      • Titles of documents
      • Names of departments, offices or employees who likely would have records
      • Please specify request type (CPRA or FOIA). You may need to submit more than one request if you choose more than one type.

      Please refer to AP 3300 for more information on Public Records Requests.

    • Subpeonas

      Subpeonas may be submitted in person at the Human Resources offices in building 4, room 1460 or via email They will be dated and time stamped and be reviewed by the Office of Human Resources to collect the information requested.

      If you are a Mt. SAC employee and a process server seeks to serve you with a subpoena related to a student or student records, direct that individual to the Office of Human Resources.

      If your division/department office receives by mail a subpoena, make a record of the time and date you received the subpoena and forward it to the Office of Human Resources.

If you are a Mt. SAC employee and have questions about a legal process affecting the College, or the service of a summons and complaint or a subpoena, please contact the Office of Human Resources at  (909) 274-4493.

  1. Search Warrants and Subpeonas: During regular office hours, please contact the Office of Human Resources at  (909) 274-4493. Outside of regular office hours, please contact Mt. SAC Police and Campus Safety (909) 274-4555. You can also email us at
  2. Public Records Requests: For requests for public records under the California Information Practices Act, California Public Records Act or the Freedom of Information Act, please send your request to
  3. Student Records: For requests for student records other than pursuant to a subpoena or employment record, please contact the Admissions and Records Office at             (909) 274-4415 or visit their website at
Regular Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, and Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Subpeonas and Search Warrant Requests Outside of Regular HR Office Hours: Mt. SAC Police and Campus Safety (909) 274-4555
Location: Administration Building 4, Room 1460 (first floor) View Campus Map