
Reporting Options

Title IX prohibits sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, stalking, dating violence, and/or domestic violence. Any of the prohibited acts are considered unwelcomed conduct.

What to Know:

  • Mt. SAC encourages reporting incidents as soon as possible.
  • There are many resources to help you on the campus and in the community.
  • You may choose to speak with a confidential resource found below without reporting to the College or Law Enforcement.
  • If you decide to report unwelcomed conduct, your information will only be shared with those who need to know.
  • If needed, services, supportive measures, and other assistance can be implemented to ensure a safe and supportive environment for you.
  • Mt. SAC acts promptly and appropriately to prevent and stop any acts of retaliation towards anyone who reports unwelcomed conduct.
If you have experienced unwelcomed conduct, you are strongly encouraged to:


If you have experienced unwelcomed conduct, you can talk to:

Ryan Wilson is the designated Title IX Coordinator for Mt. San Antonio College.  The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for handling complaints related to Title IX, including discrimination based on sex, gender, and sexual misconduct.