
Credit by Examination for MUS 110A


Students pursuing music as a major at Mt. SAC should begin their music studies with the fundamentals of theory and musicianship. MUS 110A (Music Fundamentals for Musicians) covers these fundamentals. If you're a Mt. SAC music major in the first semester of your music studies, start with MUS 110A. 

Occasionally, a student arrives at Mt. SAC with extensive prior training in theory and musicianship. For example:

  • A student took AP Music Theory in high school and passed with a 4 or 5. Additionally, that student had extensive training in sight-singing with movable-do solfège, perhaps through choir or AP Music Theory.
  • A student completed ABRSM Music Theory Grade 8, probably under the guidance of a private string or piano teacher. Additionally, that student developed skills in sight-singing with movable-do solfège, most likely through high school choir.
  • A student completed the advanced level of the MTAC Certificate of Merit program, probably under the guidance of a private string or piano teacher. Additionally, that student developed skills in sight-singing with movable-do solfège, most likely through high school choir.

Students with this level of prior training can probably bypass MUS 110A and begin their music studies at Mt. SAC with the courses that follow in the sequence, MUS 120 and MUS 125. To do this, the student would demonstrate proficiency using the credit by examination option for MUS 110A.

Credit by Examination

In credit by examination, a student takes an exam instead of enrolling in a course. A student’s grade on this exam becomes his or her grade in the course. That grade will appear on the student’s transcript; it's indistinguishable from a grade earned by completing a course in the usual manner. Credit by examination is used by students who want to receive college credit for knowledge and skills acquired outside of Mt. SAC.

Mt. SAC offers a credit by examination option for MUS 110A. To be eligible to receive examination credit for MUS 110A, you must satisfy the following three conditions:

  1. You are currently registered as a Mt. SAC student and in good standing.
  2. You have not completed MUS 110A, MUS 110, or any course in the Music Theory and Musicianship sequence.
  3. You have not been enrolled in MUS 110A, MUS 110, or any course in the Music Theory and Musicianship sequence for more than six weeks.

If you're interested in credit by examination for MUS 110A, please contact Robert Bowen. To accelerate the process, begin by visiting the Arts Division Office or Music Department Office to obtain a petition. Please be aware that once a student begins the exam for MUS 110A credit, the student must accept their score.